Summer Fair Ministry

This year the San Diego County Fair at Del Mar will run from June 12 – July 7, 2024.

Each year about 3,000 children and adults hear the gospel in our CEF Story Castle!

Many volunteers are needed to staff the Story Castle for the duration of the fair. CEF provides training, T-shirts and free admission for groups of 3 volunteers serving in 4-hour shifts. Outside of their shifts, volunteers are free to enjoy the fair!


There are six orientation classes to choose from, to equip you to be a part of this outreach:


North San Diego County

Saturday, May 11th from 9 – 11 am, Escondido (Location TBA)

Friday, May 17th from 9 – 11 am, Escondido (Location TBA)

Thursday, May 23rd from 6:30 – 8 pm on Zoom


Greater San Diego County

At 8111-A Orange Ave, La Mesa, CA 91942:

Saturday, May 18th from 9:30 – 11 am

Saturday, May 25th from 9:30 – 11 am

Tuesday, May 28th from 6:30 – 9:30 pm


Please note: The first step is to visit the Greater San Diego County’s website to view available shifts and contact their office to secure your shift:


If you are unable to serve in the Story Castle but would like to donate toward the fair ministry, please visit our donation page (be sure to put Fair Ministry on the memo line of your check, or select it from the dropdown menu on the online giving form).