Throughout most of 2019 and until February 18, 2020, when she went home to be with the Lord, Christina Dillane found herself on a journey that she didn’t expect… and certainly didn’t ask for.
From February through April 2019, Christina underwent tests and radiation for a rare cancerous tumor: melanoma of the iris. During this time, she wrote a blog called “Be Thou My Vision.”
The doctor declared the treatment a success and believed the chance of a recurrence was very unlikely.
Several months later, in July, Christina began to experience pain on her right side that grew steadily worse. She went for an x-ray, which led to numerous tests in order to determine what was going on. Again, the diagnosis was a rare form of cancer: Neuroendocrine tumors. And again, Christina returned to journaling in a second blog, called “Transformed Vision.”
Throughout Christina’s writings, there is vulnerability and honesty interspersed with supernatural peace and even joy. “I wanted to cry. I never wanted to do this,” Christina shared in early September, describing her thoughts after receiving news from the oncologist. Then, during the drive home, she surrendered to the Lord and was filled with peace that passes understanding.
Christina’s writings are more than a journal. They’re a collection of heartfelt devotionals that could only be written by one who is experiencing an incredibly challenging and serious illness while taking one step at a time with Jesus.
Whether you are facing a health crisis yourself, or you just wish to be inspired and blessed, you will want to read Christina’s blogs. I know you will enjoy them very much.
~ Carol Miller
Friend and ministry partner